Professional Product Discovery and Validation™ Training
Enhance value creation through practical application of discovery and validation techniques
This one-day training course offers a hands-on learning experience to participants, enabling them to enhance value creation by applying discovery and validation skills in product development. What is learned throughout the course is essential for developing new products and enhancing existing ones.
Experimenting with new ideas and collecting evidence on those experiments is more important than ever in today's ever-changing business environments. Learning from potential or current users is essential to delivering the right product capabilities to market which is why this course teaches the essential techniques needed to drive targeted learning while collecting evidence to validate or invalidate potential capabilities.
Throughout the class, students learn several discovery and validation practices that can be used immediately in their jobs.
Course Overview
In this one-day* course, students work hands-on as they follow a case study as a way of learning to apply techniques throughout the class. This course is designed for Product Owners, product managers, business analysts and product teams to enable them to better incorporate discovery and validation into their product development and delivery processes.
Leveraging product discovery and validation techniques, the course takes a user-centric approach, illustrating how this comes together with development and delivery. Students learn how discovery, delivery, and validation fit together to lead to an end-to-end evidence-based approach to product development.
Course Learning Objectives
- Increase user value created by deliberately designing experiments to validate assumptions about user's needs and wants
- Reduce waste and improve ROI by consciously only investing based on evidence gathered from validation
- Improve organizational collaboration and alignment by engaging with key stakeholders using data instead of opinions
- Unlock creativity by reframing work as problems to solve rather than tasks to execute
Who Should Attend This Class?
This course is appropriate for students who are currently working as a Product Owner, product manager, product leaders, business analysts and others on the product team who are looking for practical ways to increase user value created, make data-informed decisions, and better investments. This course is also suitable for members of product teams.
Course Learning Outcomes
- Analyze the problem your stakeholder wants your product to solve
- Examine problems to solve (not solutions to implement)
- Analyze customer and user feedback to identify satisfaction gaps
- Order what assumptions to validate first
- Customize a hypothesis to in/validate assumptions
- Use the right data to gather and test the hypothesis
- Analyze the results of your experiments
- Compare/contrast your decisions with those around you
- Demonstrate an evidence-based mindset to teams and stakeholders
Consistent with all courses, students who complete this class will receive one attempt at the associated assessment and will be eligible for a second attempt if they make their first attempt within 14-days. Upon launch of the course, only students will have access to earn the certificate. The general public will gain access to the assessment approximately 6 months after launch.
Take a Class
Everyone has different needs when it comes to finding a training course, whether you are looking for something introductory, specific to your role or a more advanced topic, we invite you to explore and find a class that fits your professional needs or the needs of your team or organization. Whether you prefer to learn in person, virtually, or in a private setting with others from your organization, there are multiple options for attending training classes. Explore these options and learn the differences.
Search the schedule of upcoming classes to find the perfect one to meets your needs or search our list of Professional Scrum Trainers to schedule a private class for your team or organization.
What Professional Product Discovery and Validation Students Say
Why training provides a hands-on, activity-based learning experience using a consistent set of materials around the world no matter which of our Professional Scrum Trainers (PSTs) is teaching the course. Each course explores real-world challenges to help students apply what they learn in their roles once back at work.
The maintenance of courseware is based on feedback from the overall PST community who are delivering each class. They all teach from the same content, bringing great consistency, but also feedback from the real-world to drive incremental improvements and high quality.
On their path to becoming a PST, they must have several years of Scrum experience. Once PST candidates apply, they then go through an extensive process that includes: interviews, validation of knowledge, training, peer reviews and more.
PSTs bring their own style and experiences with a consistent delivery of training around the world, so you know each course we teach is aligned with Professional Scrum, and all of your teammates are learning from the same course materials.
Find out more about what makes different.
PMI PDU Credits
Students of courses are able to claim Project Management Institute (PMI) PDU credit: 7 PDUs after attending a one-day Professional Product Discovery and Validation (PPDV) course. Please note that PMI PDUs are earned for course attendance and not for passing a assessment. Students can claim PDUs under PMI's "Education courses provided by other third party providers” category. You can claim your PDUs online at Find instructions here.
Download Information
You can download the datasheet about the Professional Scrum Master course to learn more and share with others.